Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags
Satış fiyatı 1,816.04TL
5448 puan kazan!


Özgür 09 Mar tarihinde teslim

Küçük Spor Çantaları Çocukların Yürümesini ve Çanta Kaybetmesini Önler

40000 stokta
Renk: Yeşil
Small Sports Bags Prevent Children From Walking And Losing Bags

Küçük Spor Çantaları Çocukların Yürümesini ve Çanta Kaybetmesini Önler


Ürün bilgisi:

Uygulanabilir cinsiyet: çocuklar için evrensel
Uygulanabilir okul yaşı: Yürümeye başlayan çocuklar
Malzeme: Naylon
Çanta boyutu: MINI/mini
Çanta iç yapısı: file çanta
Açılış yöntemi: fermuar
Fonksiyon: Anti-kayıp
Kayış kök numarası: çift kök
Stil: çocuksu ve sevimli

Paket listesi:

okul çantası*1